Hotel Pool/AL - Swimming Coach Service

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Hotel Pool/AL - Swimming Coach Service

Come explore the stunning underwater world of the Santiago Marine Sanctuary in Madeira with our professional snorkeling services. Our experienced instructor, Gadie, with 14 years of experience as a freediver, will guide you through a 10-minute briefing on snorkeling and breathing techniques before leading you on a 45-minute snorkeling adventure.

For only 100 Euro per person, all necessary equipment including a mask and snorkel will be provided. You’ll also receive a lesson on breathing techniques to ensure you make the most of your underwater adventure.

Gadie is a certified Aida 3 and licensed instructor, and as an AIDA Judge Freediving Sports for 10 years, she’s judged five country record holders. Her extensive experience has led her to teach and coach freediving methods in various Asian countries, and she travels the world to teach and share her passion for freediving.

Join Gadie for an unforgettable snorkelling experience in the beautiful waters of the Santiago Marine Sanctuary. Book your adventure now!



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